Bachelor of Commerce

- To enable the students to understatnd economy and its functions.
- To make then eligible for diferrent jobs in bank, insurance and other financial companies.
- To marke them perfect in calculationa and understanding accounting, and laws of takes and company law.
Eligibility:- Senior Secondary (10+2) pass or equivalent in commerce/science discipline from any recognized Board


Min 3 yrs and Max 6 yrs.
Programe Structure
Foundation (Compulsory) Courses in I Semester
The Foundation Courses are compulsory for all the students in the First Year and the marks obtained in these papers are not added for counting the final division in the examination. However, a student will have to qualify these for papers. Students will have to choose any one subject from General English or General Hindi.
Sr. No. |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
Credits |
1. |
General English / General Hindi |
N.A. |
2. |
Computer Application |
N.A. |
3. |
Environmental Studies |
N.A. |
Elective Courses:
Sr. No. |
PaperCode |
Paper Title |
Credits |
1. |
B. Com. - 101 |
Indian Economy | 4 |
2. |
B. Com. - 102 |
Financial Accounting | 4 |
3. |
B. Com. - 103 |
Micro Economics | 4 |
4. |
B. Com. - 104 |
Principles and Practices of Management | 4 |
5. | B. Com. - 105 | Business Organization | 4 |
Sr. No. |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
Credits |
1. |
B. Com. - 201 |
Environmental Management |
4 |
2. |
B. Com. - 202 |
Regulatory Framework of Business |
4 |
3. |
B. Com. - 203 |
Banking and Finance | 4 |
4. |
B. Com. - 204 | Business Mathematics | 4 |
5. | B. Com. - 205 | Cost Accounting | 4 |
Sr. No. |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
Credits |
1. |
B. Com. - 301 |
Business Communication | 4 |
2. |
B. Com. - 302 |
Corporate Accounting | 4 |
3. |
B. Com. - 303 |
Business Statistics | 4 |
4. |
B. Com. - 304 |
Company Law | 4 |
5. | B. Com. - 305 | Macro Economics | 4 |
Sr. No. |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
Credits |
1. |
B. Com. - 401 |
Event Management |
4 |
2. |
B. Com. - 402 |
Human Resource Management |
4 |
3. |
B. Com. - 403 |
Financial Management | 4 |
4. |
B. Com. - 404 | Tax Management | 4 |
5. | B. Com. - 405 | Marketing Management | 4 |
Sr. No. |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
Credits |
1. |
B. Com. - 501 |
Advertising Management | 4 |
2. |
B. Com. - 502 |
Indian Constitution | 4 |
3. |
B. Com. - 503 |
Management Accounting |
4 |
4. |
B. Com. - 504 |
Auditing – Principles and Practice | 4 |
5. | B. Com. - 505 | Entrepreneurship & Skill Development | 4 |
Sr. No. |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
Credits |
1. |
B. Com. - 601 |
E-Commerce |
4 |
2. |
B. Com. - 602 |
Insurance Management |
4 |
3. |
B. Com. - 603 |
Research Methods | 4 |
4. |
B. Com. - 604 | Project Management | 4 |
5. | B. Com. - 605 | Industrial Relation | 4 |
Examination and Evaluation Pattern:
Internal Assignment
The Internal Assignment component will have a weightage of 30% marks. Two assignments, each of 15 marks will be given in each course. The Internal Assignments are to be submitted to the University before the term-end-examination. Download your Internal Assignment question from the ERP portal /website. Marks obtained in assignments shall be shown separately in the Marks sheets. It is compulsory to pass in the internal assignment and term-end examinations separately for successful completion of the programme.
There shall be a Term-End-Examination at the end of each year. It carries a weightage of 70% marks. Term-End-Examination will be held in the months of June and December every year. The students are at liberty to appear at any of the examination conducted by the university during the semester subject to the completion of the minimum time frame prescribed for the chosen programme. No separate Examination forms are to be filled with Admission Form. However, for appearing at the examination of due papers a student has to submit a Back Paper examination form along with the requisite examination fee before the due date. If a student does not appear Term-End-Examination, he/she may appear in them at the subsequent examinations subject to a maximum credit ceiling prescribed by the University for an Examination. This facility will be available to a student to secure the minimum pass grade during the maximum duration prescribed for the programme. It is essential to qualify in the Internal Assignments and Term-End-Examination separately by obtaining minimum of 30% of marks in each component. However, to clear a course as well as a programme, as a whole, a student is required to secure 35% marks in aggregate. No division is awarded in the First, Second, Third, fourth and fifth semesters of the study. Marks obtained in the Foundation Courses will not be counted for determining the division of the student but it will be compulsory to qualify in the foundation courses by obtaining 35 percent of marks. The division shall be awarded to the successful candidates only after the completion of the programme in the final semester as follows:
I Division | 60% and above |
II Division | 48% and less than 60% |
Pass | 35% and less than 48% |