Mrs. Mohini Bakshi

Patron and Chairperson of Mahima Shiksha Samit

"Education is the passport future, for tomorrow belong to those who prepare for it today"

Malcolm X

No nation can develop and prosper socially, economically and culturally unless, its people are educated and value-oriented. It is therefore our mission at JNU is to ensure that your boys and girls of all strata of society get equal opportunities in education in education, thereby enhancing their qualifications. Distance education has opened the doors for education to all those men and women to who are working to support their families or could not go to the institutions of higher learning because of their economic, demographic and family circumstances. The motto of Distance Education is to bring education at your doorstep. It is therefore a blessing to those who want to pursue their dream for higher education while continuing with their jobs. Affordability, flexibility and accessibility are the most defining features of Distance Education. The self instructional learning packages prepared by subject specialists are cost-effective and available online. These courses also offer flexibility in study and examination schedules to suit learners with varying levels of ability, learning styles and job/work schedules. Distance Education and online courses provide us with the opportunity to keep pace with growing knowledge and technology. Let us all brighten up our career prospects through the distance mode of learning and march ahead with the times. I wish you all the best in your learning pursuits.