Master of Computer Applications

- To sharpen the knowledge of learners for advanced computer subjects including latest tools and technologies.
- To make our students employable so that they can get a better job in at a respectable position in computer industry.
- Students can apply for faculty positions in colleges and universities.
- Learners can further pursue higher order degrees like M.Phil., Ph.D.
Eligibility:-Passed BCA/ Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or equivalent UGC recognized graduate degree.
Passed B.Sc./ B.Com./ B.A. / or any other UGC recognized graduate degree with Mathematics at 10+2 Level or at Graduation Level. However candidate has to do an additional Bridge Course as per the norms of the University.
The student has to attach self attested photo copies of all marks sheets/degrees along with Aadhar card copy and passport size photograph
Lateral Entry: in the II Year (III Semester) Students, having the following qualifications, will be admitted directly in the MCA II Year (III Semester) M.Sc.(CS) / M.Sc. (IT) from any UGC recognized university.


Min 2 yrs and Max 4 yrs.
Min 1 yrs and Max 2 yrs. (For lateral entry)
Programe Structure
Sr. No. | Paper Code | Paper Title | Credits |
1. | MCA - 101 | Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science | 4 |
2. | MCA - 102 | Computer and ‘C’ Programming | 4 |
3. | MCA - 103 | Computer Organization and Architecture | 4 |
4. | MCA - 104 | Data Base Management System | 4 |
5. | MCA - 105 | Accounting and Financial Management | 4 |
6. | MCA - 106 | P C Software | 4 |
7. | MCA - 107 | Programming in C Lab | 2 |
8. | MCA - 108 | DBMS Lab | 2 |
Sr. No. | Paper Code | Paper Title | Credits |
1. | MCA - 201 | Data Structure Using ‘C’ | 4 |
2. | MCA - 202 | Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Techniques | 4 |
3. | MCA - 203 | Operating System | 4 |
4. | MCA - 204 | Data Communication & Computer Networks | 4 |
5. | MCA - 205 | Environmental Science | 4 |
6. | MCA - 206 | Software Engineering | 4 |
7. | MCA - 207 | Data Structures Using C Language Lab | 2 |
8. | MCA - 208 | Numerical & Statistical Techniques Lab | 2 |
Sr. No. | Paper Code | Paper Title | Credits |
1. | MCA - 301 | Object Oriented Programming | 4 |
2. | MCA - 302 | System Analysis and Design | 4 |
3. | MCA - 303 | Computer Graphics | 4 |
4. | MCA - 304 | Artificial Intelligence | 4 |
5. | MCA - 305 | Design and Analysis of Algorithm | 4 |
6. | MCA - 306 | (Dot) . Net Framework (Using C#) | 4 |
7. | MCA - 307 | Object Oriented Programming Lab | 2 |
8. | MCA - 308 | DAA Lab | 2 |
Sr. No. | Paper Code | Paper Title | Credits |
1. | MCA - 401 | Theory of Computation | 4 |
2. | MCA - 402 | Advanced Java Programming | 4 |
3. | MCA - 403 | Web Technology | 4 |
4. | MCA - 404 | Computer Based Optimization Techniques | 4 |
5. | MCA - 405 | Microprocessor Design and Assembly Language | 4 |
6. | MCA - 406 | Advanced Java Programming Lab | 2 |
7. | MCA - 407 | Web Technology Lab | 2 |
8. | MCA - 408 | Project Report | 12 |
Examination and Evaluation Pattern:
Internal Assignments
The internal Assignment component will have a weightage of 30% marks. Two assignments (each of 15 marks) will be given in each paper. The internal assignments are to be submitted to the University before the Term-End-Examination. Download your Internal Assignment question papers from the ERP Login/website. Marks Obtained in assignments shall be shown separately in the Mark sheet. In Project Report writing (MCA-408) there will be no Internal Assignment.
There shall be a Term-End-Examination at the end of the minimum duration of the study i.e. each semester. It carries a weightage of 70% marks. Term-End-Examination will be held in the months of June and December every year. There will be separate practical papers besides theory papers. The Practical component shall be of 100 marks further divided into 60 marks for Lab Work and 40 marks for Viva-Voce. The Project in MCA in year shall be of 100 marks. The students are at liberty to appear at any of the examinations conducted by the university during the semester subject to the completion of the minimum time frame prescribed for the chosen programme. It is presumed that a student will be appearing at all the subjects/ papers of the programme of the study. For appearing at the examination of due papers a student has to submit Back Examination form along with the requisite examination fee (₹ 2000/-) before the due date. If a student does not appear in any Term-End-Examination, he/she may appear at the subsequent Term-End-Examinations subject to a maximum of the credit ceiling prescribed by the University for the Examination. This facility will be available to a student to secure the minimum pass grade during the maximum duration prescribed for the programme. To pass in any papers/ course of MCA it is mandatory for a student to secure minimum of 30% marks in the Internal Assignment and Term-End-Examination separately. To clear a paper as well as a programme a student is required to secure 35% marks in Theory Papers and 50% marks in Practical Papers.
Project Report
Students should take this project work very seriously. Every student will have to submit a research based project report on any topic related to Computer Programming, Hardware, Software, Networking etc. in about 100 pages (Microsoft word) in 12 font size. Times New Roman (space between lines 1.5) in the prescribed format under the supervision of the supervisor (format is available on the website Topics selected should be complex and should be high quality to justify as an MCA project. The students are required to submit the synopsis stating Objectives, Significance, Methodology, and Scheme of Data Analysis to the University. After the approval of their topic, the student should start his/her project work. The Project of 12 credits and maximum marks of 100. The Project should be genuine and original in nature and should not be copied from anywhere else. If found copied, the project report will be rejected and zero marks will be awarded. Therefore student should take the project work seriously. The project is to be submitted before the annual examinations. It marks awarded by an Examiner are more than 80 percent in the project, the same will be reviewed by an expert committee to be constituted by the University for this purpose and the marks awarded by the expert Committee will be considered to be final. The division shall be awarded to the successful candidates only after the final year as follows:
I Division | 60% and above |
II Division | 48% and less than 60% |
Pass | 35% and less than 48% |